“Sofia the First” is an animated adventure series of Sofia, a commoner turned royalty after her mother marries the king. The children’s TV series aired from 2013 to 2018 with 107 episodes, and is ranked 6.9 (of 10) on IMDb.
TV star Ariel Winter voice acts for the character of Sofia in the series and is the only character appearing all 107 episodes. The stories wind around Sofia learning to act the part of her newfound royalty and different adventures she embarks on with her trusted animal friends.
The theme song of “Sofia the First” became massively popular among its fanbase as with the show itself.
Who Sings Sofia the First Theme Song?
Ariel Winter, who voice acts for the character of Sofia, also performs the theme song of the show. And the song won the 2013-2014 Daytime Emmy Award for ‘Outstanding Original Song – Main Title’ for its writers John Kavanaugh and Craig Gerber.
Watch the Intro/Title Theme of “Sofia the First” from Disney
In the title theme song, the lyrics unravel the premise of the story. Sofia’s mother Miranda, marries the king of the kingdom of Enchancia, thus making Sofia a princess overnight. Sofia is the first of her name in this line of royalty. Now she has to figure out how to act the part of a princess and possibly a future queen.
Each episode shows Sofia getting accustomed to the new changes in her life. Yesterday she was a commoner’s daughter, and today she is in a palace. She has to re-learn how to talk, walk, dress, eat, sit, stand, learn, behave, and everything else. Sofia also encounters different adventures in many episodes which keeps the audience engaged furthermore.
Another fan-favorite song on the show is “On My Own” which appears in the series finale episode. In the episode, Sofia encounters Vor, a wicked sorceress and the main antagonist of the series.
It is not difficult to understand why this series became so popular among its fanbase. It is a complete package.
Do let us know what you think about the show and the music in it by dropping a comment below.
Check out the lyrics to the main title song below.