Esprit D'Air guiding light reimagined

Esprit D’Air – Guiding Light (Reimagined) | Stream, Lyrics & Review

The London-based Japanese rock band Esprit D’Air just released a reimagined version of their powerful song “Guiding Light” from their debut album four years ago. This rock ballad truly captures the essence of Esprit D’Air as a band–powerful and inspirational.

“Guiding Light” was first released from Esprit D’Air’s debut studio album ‘Constellations’ in 2017. The song was an instant hit among the fans. However, this reimagined version ascends the original version to a new dimension.

Vocalist and multi-instrumentalist of Esprit D’Air, Kai spoke about the song and its inspiration in the press release for the song;

“I feel that ‘Guiding Light’ is more relevant now than it was four years ago. It’s a song about having hope. When our mental health beats us down again, and again, the guiding light serves as a reminder to live by today to create a better tomorrow. We all have a guiding light inside us to keep going. This is a song about not giving up!”

Listen to “Guiding Light (Reimagined)” by Esprit D’Air

“Guiding Light” is a song infused with English and Japanese lyrics. However, this does not take away from the listening experience. If anything, it only intensifies the journey through this inspirational track.

But I’m leaving here for nowhere
Even though I can’t see the place
Will it start shining again someday?
The things I once believed in
And the dreams of tomorrow too
I’ve got them here
You’re my guiding light

These lyrics are relatable to anyone in many situations in their lives. We often find ourselves at crossroads wondering where each path is going to take us. Often times the end of the road is not known to us. We only have experience of the road we’ve walked thus far and a bag full of hope. In these times, we often pray for some guiding light to shine the right way forward. Sometimes, these prayers do get answered.

Life only moves forward. Even if you are stuck in the past, life goes on. Sometimes, the only guiding light comes from within. The ‘you’ in the song can be just yourself, and that is the strongest motivator there can be.

Let us hear what you think about this song in the comments below.

Check out more of Esprit D’Air’s music on YouTube, Spotify, and their official website.

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