juice wrld sometimes

Juice WRLD – Sometimes | Lyrics Meaning Revealed

Juice WRLD lives on forever through his music. The late rapper released yet another track that has been recorded before his passing on December 8, 2019. The brand new track, titled “Sometimes,” explores the demons Juice WRLD constantly struggled with.

Juice WRLD was merely 21 years old when he passed away due to a seizure induced by acute oxycodone and codeine intoxication. Everybody sees the drug abuse, but not many sees the reasons behind the use. However, many songs on Juice’s discography explore these reasons — the inner demons he fought on the daily.

“Sometimes” is the fifth track on Juice WRLD’s 2022 album ‘Fighting Demons’ deluxe edition, released on March 18, 2022. This is Juice’s fourth studio album and second posthumous album.

Listen to “Sometimes” by Juice WRLD

Juice WRLD “Sometimes” Lyrics Meaning and Song Review

Loneliness is a major theme throughout the lyrics of the song. It might sound a little ironic that a world-renowned superstar can be lonely. However, superstars are some of the loneliest people on this planet. Most of the time they are kept busy by their label to chase commercial success – new single, new song, new music video, new album, world tour, and repeat. They do not have time for relationships. Other times, they spend their lives in the suspicion that anybody who tries to get close to them do so for the wrong reasons. Money and fame attract the worst in people sometimes.

I wanna be by my lonely
I pop these Perc’ by my lonely

Juice WRLD turns to drugs to take his mind away from feeling lonely all the time. This is an even bigger demon to tackle.

As of lately, my demons, they bother me
When I’m sleeping, they sitting on top of me

This song is claimed to have been written on Juice WRLD’s 20th birthday, a year before his passing. A 20-year-old is not meant to be burdened by his own shadows. These feelings can become too overwhelming most of the time and they look for various outlets for their bottled emotions. Drugs are easier to handle than fake people. So, he turns to drugs.

Just leave me alone, I could do bad on my own

In the second verse of the song, Juice WRLD also speaks about how scared he was all the time. For some reason, he had grown a fanbase of haters who wanted nothing but blood. He had to keep a handgun close to him all the time just to feel safe. This is no way to live a life — scared and alone — stress and anxiety.

No wonder the world broke Juice WRLD and extinguished a very talented rapper from the world. He was just beginning his musical journey when he left us. But his legacy shall remain with us through his music.

Let us hear what you think about this song in the comments below. Check out the complete lyrics on Genius.

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