rihanna bitch better have my money music video

Watch The Very Explicit “Bitch Better Have My Money” Music Video

Before you jump on to the music video below, I’ll give you a fair warning. “Bitch Better Have My Money” music video below contains extreme graphic material including nudity, violence and strong language. If you are a minor, you should not watch the video. I will re-repeat the warning you get in the beginning of the music video.

bitch better have my money
“BBHMM” music video is rated ‘mature’

You can count on Rihanna to be explicit. So explicit to the point where it gets pretty disturbing to watch a simple music video.

rihanna bitch better have my money
Yup, that’s in there too

The music video starts away from female nudity and ends in Rihanna being completely naked. The storyline of the music video shows how Rihanna gets the money owed to her by some random person. She tracks down a rich woman who owes her money. She strips her naked, hangs her upside down and swings her while she is topless.

Watch “Bitch Better Have My Money” by Rihanna

Yes, there is a very naked Rihanna in the video. And there’s no camera trickery either. She just likes to free her body, and we can’t complain.

The strong language warning is pretty nullified by the graphic nudity and violent scenes in the “Bitch Better Have My Money” music video.

Either way, a nice ice breaker by Rihanna, after her successful “FourFiveSeconds” music video.

If you are in love or awe or disgusted by the music video, make sure to leave a comment about it down below.

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