“Hotel California” has widely been acclaimed as one of the best musical creations the history of music has seen. We have The Eagles to thank for that. It doesn’t take an inquisitive mind to know that “Hotel California” is one apart from the bunch-a truly unique masterpiece. And constructing on the same pillar, the song also has developed it’s own mystique aura due to some variations of interpretations of the song meaning.

“Hotel California” was released in 1977 as a single from The Eagle’s fifth studio album titled ‘Hotel California’. The album was a breakout success for the group, however, did not prevent the group from breaking apart in 1980. The single sold over 50 million copies around the world and is considered as one of the greatest songs to-date.
What makes it so special? Well, it has everything and it has nothing. “Hotel California” speaks about an unfortunate experience of a weary traveller. But behind the beautifully written storyline, there may be deeper meanings secured.

Listen to “Hotel California” by The Eagles
Lyrics Review and Song Meaning of “Hotel California”
Don Henley does the lead vocals of the song, and he starts off;
On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
The person in the song is driving on a dark, desert highway in California. It’s the night time and the cool wind blows through his hair. Colitas are flower buds and their smell is strong and in the air.
Simple as these lyrics may seem, there could also be a deeper meaning hidden underneath. Related to the singer’s life, this could show a dark time in his. It’s dark and lonely. Some critics interpret “Hotel California” as an outlook of California state. It was a land of promise several centuries ago, hence the famous quote ‘California dream’. But now, during the 60’s and 70’s, California is a place of shattered dreams, heartbreaks and drugs.
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
The driver sees a light in the distance (the hotel, maybe?) and his head gets dizzy and his eyes begin to shut. It’s not safe to drive under these conditions.
The singer may be growing tired of the highs of the music industry and what comes with it. It’s flashing lights all day for the celebrities. That makes them quite blind to what’s real and what’s not.
I had to stop for the night
The singer decides to call it a night.
It could also mean, the singer trying to get away from the stardom. Wonder where that leads him.
Things get creepy now,
There she stood in the doorway;
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself,
“This could be Heaven or this could be Hell”
A mysterious woman greets the traveller to the Hotel California. The bells chiming adds a creepy aura to all this-and based on the tone, bells could very well mean happy or sad occasions. The traveller doubts if this is the right move to stay at this place. However, he decides to stay in.
Often, celebrities who are tormented with the high-life end up seeking the aid of drugs to get away from reality. Another popular interpretation of “Hotel California” is that the song is about drug addiction. Before you do the first shot, you take a second to think it through and goes ahead anyway. On that very second, the bells of your death are rung in some distance. Drugs are a place of heaven and hell. When you take them in, it’s a make-belief paradise. But what waits for you at the end is an obvious hell.
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say…
The traveller is escorted into the Hotel California by this strange woman holding a candle to light the path. He starts to hear strange voices.
The heroine was the most popular drug back in the 70’s, and it required a small fire-much like a candle. Now you have entered the hotel, now begins the hallucinations. This isn’t to say that “Hotel California” song is about drugs, but we like to keep the perspectives open, and drugs is one of them.
If we run these lyrics through the ‘California Dream’ interpretation, we could still find meaning to the song. Weary of the life elsewhere, many come seeking fame and fortune to California. They are drawn in and they are stuck within the dream. For those who do make it, it will be heaven and for others, it will be hell.
The chorus of the song rolls through;
Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (Any time of year)
You can find it here
The voices he hears whisper a welcome to the hotel. The singer is instantly drawn to this lovely place filled with lovely faces. There’s a lot of space at the hotel and anyone can check in the hotel anytime. If the hotel is so good, how come it never gets filled in? Unless there’s a way to rid of the people coming in.
Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget
Tiffany is a famous high-end jewellery seller. This could very well mean that ‘she’ is drawn to luxuries and craves them. Don Henley brings in some clever wordplay here with ‘Mercedes bends’. Mercedes Benz is a luxury vehicle brand-possibly the top luxurious brand back in 70’s. But Don says ‘bends’ instead of ‘Benz’ which fits perfectly into the song and to the rhyme. The singer means ‘she’ is broken or bent in towards such luxuries. It’s easy to control her with some show of glitz and glamour.
A lot of handsome men fall behind her engorged in her beauty, but she never settles down with them. She has, as we call it now, friend-zoned them. And they are all enjoying the music and dancing off. Some people are trying to make memories and some are trying to forget their problems.
“Hotel California” could be describing the state of the women and men in California back in the days. It was life of the party for those who come chasing their dreams to California. They often end up wasting their time and money on loose women and drugs.
So I called up the Captain,
“Please bring me my wine”
He said, “We haven’t had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine”
The lyrics of “Hotel California” are very simple, narrative in a way that we almost forget the story between the lines.
We could not find any significance of the year 1969, except for the fact that The Satanic Bible was published that year, which has aided “Hotel California” gaining a reputation as a hallelujah to Satan. Or it could just be that Don Henley needed a word to rhyme with ‘wine’ in the previous line.
And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say…
Still, distant voices haunt the Hotel California, even in the middle of the night.
Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
They livin’ it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
Bring your alibis
The chorus of “Hotel California” changes from it’s first appearance. Living in the hotel and ‘living it up’ in the hotel have varied meanings. Living it up means you enjoy the stay, you party it up and you live to the fullest. This could be another reference to drugs. And the last line helps my interpretation. An ‘alibi’ is a scapegoat. You do live it up and get into bad habits, but you have an excuse, right?
Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
Mirrors reflect things. Mirrors on the ceiling are good for when you lay in your bed. You see yourself and remind yourself that you are a star. ‘Pink Champagne’ is slang for a class A drug. Hotel California is swarming with drugs, much like the state of California back in the day.
And she said “We are all just prisoners here, of our own device”
This is a clear description of the famed life of musicians, who end up depressed, frustrated and psychologically exhausted due to the non-stop high life. They cannot catch a break. And “Hotel California,” says the musicians have become slaves/prisoners to what they themselves have created. The music industry has the tendency to suck it’s makers-much like Nirvana says in “Smells Like Teen Spirit”.
And in the master’s chambers,
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can’t kill the beast
The above lyrics are one of the biggest reasons that “Hotel California” has gained a reputation as a cult song worshipping Satan.
Does the song describe about some ritual to please the master-which one? We’ll never know. They try to kill the beast, but they fail. If this is a reference to drugs, it could mean that addiction has taken over. There’s no going back or curing the beastly lust for drugs. It just can’t be killed. In the same manner, California was a state that could offer you a feast. And many who fall for that dream comes in, and gets lusty for fame and fortune and it never can be killed.
As Glenn Frey describes; “They stab it with their steely knives, but they just can’t kill the beast” was a little Post-It back to Steely Dan.”
Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
If and when the reality hits in, celebrities realize the horrors of Hotel California AKA California state AKA drug addiction. Then they run. ‘The place I was before’ is the state before drugs. It’s a difficult task to find your way back when you’re this deep in the hotel.
“Relax, ” said the night man,
“We are programmed to receive.
You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave! “
Another character joins in “Hotel California.” This time a night man (security officer perhaps) gives him the hard truth. The hotel is only programmed to receive (keep in mind that hotels aren’t programmed, they operate the way they are operated by humans). Then the night man delivers the final verdict. The singer can ‘check out’ the hotel but he can never leave.
Even if the musician does quit the drugs, it still has a hold on him. The person that exists Hotel California is truly not the same person that came in. So in a way, it is correct to say that the ones who come in never leave.
On another gruesome level, we can interpret ‘check out’ as taking the easy way out-or suicide. The song suggests that once you get hooked in, you are in it for life-life as short as it may get.
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You can put in your votes as to what you believe “Hotel California” lyrics and song means. If it’s none above, you can leave a comment below. We are always open for music discussions.
“Hotel California” started as what seemed to be a chillaxing drive by through the state of California which turned out to be a nightmare of a stay at the hotel, where you cannot get out. It’s fascinating how, on a larger canvas, that story is similar to the lives of famed artists.
Want to know what The Eagles think about the meaning of “Hotel California”? Glenn Frey says;
“everybody wants to know what that song was about, and we don’t know..We decided to create something strange, just to see if we could do it. And then a lot was read into it – a lot more than probably exists. I think we achieved perfect ambiguity.”
So are just trying too hard to grasp the meaning of “Hotel California” when it’s makers say there’s none. Well, I believe The Eagles members are lying and there’s a great bit of mystery surrounding this song.
I find the lyrics disjointed to really see any hidden meaning.But the part that really piqued my interest was “they stab it with their steely knives and can’t kill the beast”.What the heck is it suppose to mean?Is it some human?animal ?sacrifice taking place?
I agree with the satanic reference but song is not entirely about it.Its about he journey of the band into the cutthroat music industry and all the problems experienced by band members:drugs/alcohol/fast women/stays at rehabs and last but not least satanism.
That’s only figuratively speaking. Literally speaking & I believe it applies: the hold is so strong within from anything (not necessarily even drugs), but our own personal demons (beasts). We all have our own secrets in the closets so to speak.
I realize I am contributing to comments that date from 5 years ago so I am probably addressing the unpopulated anonymity of a redundant and vacated cyberspace. But I will press on nonetheless . . . I was never really interested in the song or the band before. It just was not my preferred sound at the time. But I have belatedly found an appreciation for both the quality of the musicianship of the band members and, of course, the song’s cryptic lyrics – Thanks YouTube. Don Henley did a great job with the vocals and I find that the guitar’s descending arpeggio of the song’s introduction sets the tone for the dark mood dominating the piece.
Regarding the interpretation of the lyrics, I find Nick’s explanation of satanic worship to be very plausible, a view I discounted before as overly sensationalist. More mundanely, however, the date 1969 could perhaps just as easily reference Woodstock in the naive marijuana and psychedelics-induced ‘spirit’ of peace and love. ‘We have’nt had that spirit here since…’ may simply be a comment that that era had inevitably given way to humanity’s baser instincts. Heady days they were! I don’t know why any of the band member’s seem not to have openly confessed a possible theme of satanic worship if indeed that was the case.
This article is way off. Most have little knowledge of actual satanism. This may have drug references but a lot of dark and black magic satanic rituals include drugs.
Definitely, without a doubt about satanism:
Mission bell – used in satanic ceremonies to initiate the ritual and invoke demons.
This could be heaven or this could be hell – (well what do you think if he says that?!?!)
Then she lit up a candle – widely used in satanic ritual
Voices calling from far away – demons / fallen angels (summon and talk to “spirits in rituals)
Please bring me my wine – wine known as a holy “spirit”
Haven’t had that “spirit” here since 1969 – Haven’t had the “holy spirit” here since 1969 (year of creation of satanic church)
Prisoners of our own device – Satanists are prisoners of their lusts
In the masters chambers – satanic grand masters chambers
gathered for the feast – Feast of blood and human sacrifice
Can’t kill the beast – Clearly the devil as stated in the bible’s end times. Revelations (The beast or “antichrist” will be killed and come back to life in the final days)
You can check out but never leave – You are required to take an oath of secrecy upon pain of death in the serious satanic practicing circles.
You might be very correct, sir. I have little to no knowledge about satanic rituals and I had no reason to believe why the song could be related to that. The references are quite clear when you point them out. But why?
The long answer would take me more time than you are I have. Suffice it to say that it is who they show their allegiance to. Most “artists” nowadays come out and say it. Just Google Kesha satanic symbolism. Or any other pop icon for that matter. Satan, or more accurately Lucifer, is in fact the ruler of this world, he has power to give to those who are Allegiant to him. But his time is running out.
In the case of Kesha, we have seen clear signs that she has some strong message to give out.
Anyway, thank you for your clarification.